I'm not generally one to assign a lot of value to the ratings given out to any particular album by the media, whether mainstream or underground, but it profoundly amuses me to see that the so-called "metal critics" are in some cases even more retarded and oblivious to what true black metal is supposed to sound like than what I thought was possible.
According to the general consensus of what the media will refer to as the "metal community", but what in fact is simply a bunch of posers trying to sound trendy, the album In The Nightside Eclipse by the no-talent band Emperor is some sort of black metal masterpiece (lol).
As ludicrous as that statement sounds, at least for anyone having actual knowledge of what actual metal sounds like, this sentiment is shared by many of the most influential and [supposedly] credible heavy metal critics.
But what makes In The Nightside Eclipse deserving of such high praise when the vast majority of its content is either boring, shallow, dull or totally uninspired musically ?
According to the general consensus of what the media will refer to as the "metal community", but what in fact is simply a bunch of posers trying to sound trendy, the album In The Nightside Eclipse by the no-talent band Emperor is some sort of black metal masterpiece (lol).
As ludicrous as that statement sounds, at least for anyone having actual knowledge of what actual metal sounds like, this sentiment is shared by many of the most influential and [supposedly] credible heavy metal critics.
But what makes In The Nightside Eclipse deserving of such high praise when the vast majority of its content is either boring, shallow, dull or totally uninspired musically ?