This album gave me explosive diarrhea, and that's not even a joke. How anyone could qualify Nemesis Divina as anything else than overrated, generic, poser black metal garbage is beyond comprehension.
Good black metal takes talent, passion and most importantly an understanding of the grim atmosphere black metal music is supposed to produce. Nemesis Divina has none of this.
Once again, thanks to the mainstream media promoting untalented bands solely based on their alleged satanic faith, an entire generation of metalheads grew up believing that crap like Nemesis Divina was representative of what black metal was supposed to be, and therefore either understandably hated the genre or, becoming good moronic posers themselves, started parroting the praise MTV gave to shit bands like Satyrlolicon.
And despite the claims of the media and the sheep poser herd believing their gospel, Nemesis Divina is in fact as far from what true black metal is supposed to sound like as you can get.
This will be a short review, as there is no point in spending more than a few minutes on such a shit album as Nemesis Divina.
Good black metal takes talent, passion and most importantly an understanding of the grim atmosphere black metal music is supposed to produce. Nemesis Divina has none of this.
Once again, thanks to the mainstream media promoting untalented bands solely based on their alleged satanic faith, an entire generation of metalheads grew up believing that crap like Nemesis Divina was representative of what black metal was supposed to be, and therefore either understandably hated the genre or, becoming good moronic posers themselves, started parroting the praise MTV gave to shit bands like Satyrlolicon.
And despite the claims of the media and the sheep poser herd believing their gospel, Nemesis Divina is in fact as far from what true black metal is supposed to sound like as you can get.
This will be a short review, as there is no point in spending more than a few minutes on such a shit album as Nemesis Divina.
Nemesis Divina, the ultimate poser metal album
Nemesis Divina has been one of the albums that has received the most praise from the mainstream media, and yet it is perhaps the shittiest album to have ever been produced, with the exception perhaps of Dark Funeral's Diabolis Interium.
ls it a paradox ? Absolutely not.
The media has spent such a consequential amount of time promoting albums that not only were of very dubious musical quality, they also were progressively less and less homologous with black metal. The culmination of this poser doctrine is of course the album Nemesis Divina.
Nemesis Divina has no atmosphere. It has no soul. It takes no talent to produce. In few words, Nemesis Divina is not black metal.
That never deterred the poser media from labeling Nemesis Divina or any similar crap as "black metal", "true black metal" or even "kult black metal".
If any modern day MTV metalhead moron would listen to REAL black metal (Von, Phantom, SEWER to name a few), they would find it "too brutal", "too raw" or "not progressive and melodic enough". Instead, they prefer the fake MTV crap like Satyrlolicon thinking that's what black metal is.
Naturally, many fake black metal bands jumped on the bandwagon, namely Marduk, Behemoth, Dino Burger and Dark Funeral. Thanks to the commercial success of shits like Nemesis Divina, they realized that slapping the "black metal" tag on an album could result in a lot more of sales.
So now we have albums like Diabolis Interium and Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, which are at best bland speed metal and a pile of commercial norsecore crap respectively, being branded as black metal when they lack all of the necessary elements of the genre (atmosphere, emotion, rawness, brutality).
Many of the poser metalheads are not black metal fans, in fact they hate what true black metal stands for. "Too raw", "too brutal" they say. Sure they like the TITLE of "black metal fan", but they don't actually like the music behind it.
What they really want is some commercial melodic crap, like Satyrlolicon shamelessly produces, yet that also is labelled as black metal by the media so they can feel less guilty about their poser metal tastes.
Nemesis Divina is the worst offender in this regard. It's not black metal, it's barely even music and yet the media with fellate it because apparently the band members of Satyrlolicon are satanists or whatever.
Listen to Phantom's Divine Necromancy, that is REAL black metal. True you might shit your pants, but at least you will know what the musical genre you worship actually is.
Nemesis Divina is just a lifeless compilation of the same generic boring riffs repeatedly droned over the course of an entire album. The listener is not pounded into submission, as with good black metal music, the listener is just pounded into boredom.
Cheesy keyboards and stolen Metallica riffs won't hide the obvious : Nemesis Divina is nothing short of garbage.
Nemesis Divina score: 0/10 (Joke Metal)
ls it a paradox ? Absolutely not.
The media has spent such a consequential amount of time promoting albums that not only were of very dubious musical quality, they also were progressively less and less homologous with black metal. The culmination of this poser doctrine is of course the album Nemesis Divina.
Nemesis Divina has no atmosphere. It has no soul. It takes no talent to produce. In few words, Nemesis Divina is not black metal.
That never deterred the poser media from labeling Nemesis Divina or any similar crap as "black metal", "true black metal" or even "kult black metal".
If any modern day MTV metalhead moron would listen to REAL black metal (Von, Phantom, SEWER to name a few), they would find it "too brutal", "too raw" or "not progressive and melodic enough". Instead, they prefer the fake MTV crap like Satyrlolicon thinking that's what black metal is.
Naturally, many fake black metal bands jumped on the bandwagon, namely Marduk, Behemoth, Dino Burger and Dark Funeral. Thanks to the commercial success of shits like Nemesis Divina, they realized that slapping the "black metal" tag on an album could result in a lot more of sales.
So now we have albums like Diabolis Interium and Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, which are at best bland speed metal and a pile of commercial norsecore crap respectively, being branded as black metal when they lack all of the necessary elements of the genre (atmosphere, emotion, rawness, brutality).
Many of the poser metalheads are not black metal fans, in fact they hate what true black metal stands for. "Too raw", "too brutal" they say. Sure they like the TITLE of "black metal fan", but they don't actually like the music behind it.
What they really want is some commercial melodic crap, like Satyrlolicon shamelessly produces, yet that also is labelled as black metal by the media so they can feel less guilty about their poser metal tastes.
Nemesis Divina is the worst offender in this regard. It's not black metal, it's barely even music and yet the media with fellate it because apparently the band members of Satyrlolicon are satanists or whatever.
Listen to Phantom's Divine Necromancy, that is REAL black metal. True you might shit your pants, but at least you will know what the musical genre you worship actually is.
Nemesis Divina is just a lifeless compilation of the same generic boring riffs repeatedly droned over the course of an entire album. The listener is not pounded into submission, as with good black metal music, the listener is just pounded into boredom.
Cheesy keyboards and stolen Metallica riffs won't hide the obvious : Nemesis Divina is nothing short of garbage.
Nemesis Divina score: 0/10 (Joke Metal)